• When here in the Outer Hebrides and looking at a bird, have you ever wondered how rare it is? The status of all species can vary enormously from island to island. How rare is Shoveler on Barra, has Stock Dove been seen on Harris, does Dotterel occur on Benbecula in the autumn, and how common is Blue Tit on North Uist? Well, fret no longer! The Status and Distribution of birds here on the Outer Hebrides has been completely updated and summarised for every species and each of the main islands and outliers. Available as an online resource at https://status.outerhebrides-birdreports.org/ or via our shop

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Local Rarity 3rd June 2024


Eyes and Ears Everywhere
Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 3rd June 2024. Updated throughout the day

Aird an Runair, North Uist
3 Long-tailed Skuas, 3 Arctic Skuas and 236 Manx Shearwaters flew north between 0700 - 1000. A male Ruff was nearby at Loch nam Fiethean

Carinish, North Uist
A female Hawfinch was visiting a garden there

Hawfinch Carinish Brian Rabbitts.jpg
Hawfich (C) Brian Rabbitts
A Hobby flew west over Castlebay/Glen late afternoon, presumably the same bird we saw a few days ago. The main news though was confirmation that Dippers have bred successfully near Brevig. Following a surprise sighting of a single bird a week ago, further investigation revealed a pair feeding well grown young out of the nest today, apparently the first confirmed breeding record for Barra.
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