• When here in the Outer Hebrides and looking at a bird, have you ever wondered how rare it is? The status of all species can vary enormously from island to island. How rare is Shoveler on Barra, has Stock Dove been seen on Harris, does Dotterel occur on Benbecula in the autumn, and how common is Blue Tit on North Uist? Well, fret no longer! The Status and Distribution of birds here on the Outer Hebrides has been completely updated and summarised for every species and each of the main islands and outliers. Available as an online resource at https://status.outerhebrides-birdreports.org/ or via our shop

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Eyes and Ears Everywhere
Outer Hebrides / Western Isles bird sightings for today, 4th December 2018. Updated throughout the day.

Iochar, South Uist
A Woodcock was flushed by the road there this afternoon

Rubha Arvule, South Uist
Seen during a two and a half hour sea watch there today: 08:05 to 10:30
Wind WNW f4, mix of cloud and sunny spells
8 Eider (S), 2 female type Common Scoter (S), 9 Long-tailed Ducks (6S 3N), 8 Red-throated Divers (6S 2N), 2 Great Northern Divers (1S 1N), 2 Gannets (S), 70 Shags (1S 69N), 3 Cormorants (1S 2N).
Also present in the area: Greylag Goose 42, Wigeon 47, Pintail 2, Tufted Duck 11, Red-throated Diver 2, Great Northern Diver 1, White-tailed Eagle 1, Snipe 1, Twite 53
The White-billed Diver was off Eoligarry again just before high tide this afternoon. The parvipes type Canada Goose was still at Borve. 4 Common Redpolls were at Castlebay, another was at Bolnabadoch along with 2 Woodcock.
There were good numbers of Skylarks and finches near Rubh' Arnal, North Uist this morning. A Snow Bunting was with a large Twite flock and a small number of Corn Buntings were seen (apparently up to 30 have been in the area recently). Offshore were four Great Northern Divers while a White-tailed Eagle was sat on the shore of Kirkibost Island. Large numbers of gulls are still using the fish dump where part of the perimeter fence has been enhanced by razor wire. I'm told the dump featured in a TV programme recently about the Scottish salmon industry.