• When here in the Outer Hebrides and looking at a bird, have you ever wondered how rare it is? The status of all species can vary enormously from island to island. How rare is Shoveler on Barra, has Stock Dove been seen on Harris, does Dotterel occur on Benbecula in the autumn, and how common is Blue Tit on North Uist? Well, fret no longer! The Status and Distribution of birds here on the Outer Hebrides has been completely updated and summarised for every species and each of the main islands and outliers. Available as an online resource at https://status.outerhebrides-birdreports.org/ or via our shop

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  1. Hawkeye

    National Rarity 16th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 16th Novemebr 2019. Updated throughout the day Knockintorran, North Uist The two ***Cackling Geese*** and the Snow Goose were there again today. 21 Snow Bunting were nearby at Loch Paible Coot Loch, Benbecula 2 Pink-footed Geese, 16...
  2. Hawkeye

    National Rarity 15th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 15th November 2019. Updated throughout the day Balranald, North Uist A large mixed flock of finches and Skylarks seen on the machair contained a Lapland Bunting, 30+ Snow Buntings and a Brambling. A drake Pintail was on Loch a' Roe Loch...
  3. Hawkeye

    Local Rarity 14th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebriders bird sightings for today, 14th November 2019. Updated throughout the day Balranald, South Uist 500 Twite and 50 Snow Buntings were seen on the reserve today Clachan, South Uist The drake *Green-winged Teal* was again at the north end of Loch Bee this morning...
  4. Hawkeye

    National Rarity 13th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 13th Novemebr 2019. Updated throughout the day Loch Paible, North Uist The ***Cackling Goose*** was again seen there amongst Barnacle Geese Loch Sandary, North Uist 2 Black-tailed Godwits and a Chiffchaff around the loch today Clachan...
  5. Hawkeye

    National Rarity 12th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 12th Novemebr 2019. Updated throughout the day Stornoway, Isle of Lewis 5 Waxwings were seen on Stewart Drive today. Langass Woods, North Uist 2 ***Two-barred Crossbills** were seen there today [see @BrianR post below] Balranald, North...
  6. Hawkeye

    11th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today 11th November 2019. Updated throughout the day Loch Bornish, South Uist 3 Pintail were on the loch today South Glendale, South Uist 4 Waxwings and a female Blackcap were in a garden there Ruhba Ardvule, South Uist Counting period...
  7. Hawkeye

    Scottish Rarity 10th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 10th Novemebr 2019. Updated throughout the day Ardivachar, South Uist A **White-rumped Sandpiper** was there today Loch Sandary, North Uist A Glaucous Gull was seen there today Balranald, North Uist 14 Snow Buntings were on the stubble...
  8. Hawkeye

    Scottish Rarity 9th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today. 9th Novemebr 2019. Updated throughout the day Miavaig, Isle of Lewis 3 Snow Buntings were there today Aird an Runair, North Uist 80+ Snow Buntings were there again today South Glendale, South Uist 4 Waxwings, 2 female Blackaps and a...
  9. Hawkeye

    Scottish Rarity 8th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 8th November 2019. Updated throughout the day Stornoway, Isle of Lewis 8 Waxwings were in Stewart Drive, Stornoway, this morning South Glendale, South Uist 4 Waxwings and 2 female Blackcaps were in a garden there Ruhba Ardvule, South...
  10. Hawkeye

    7th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 7th Novemebr 2019. Updated throughout the day Ruhba Ardvule, South Uist Counting period: 08:20 - 09:40 Weather: Wind ENE f5, 8/8 cloud, dull with light drizzle. Temp 6-7C. A 1+hour seawatch this morning produced 10 Eider (N), 2...
  11. B

    Local Rarity 6th November 2019

    A ♂ Blackcap was on peanut feeder at Langass, North Uist this morning while in the nearby Woods were some 25 Siskins while three Waxwings flew in (did not stay long).
  12. Hawkeye

    National Rarity 5th November 2019

    News from Andrew:- Still 3 white-rumped sandpipers (1st w plus 2 still pretty fresh juveniles) at Ardivachar. No sign of the lesser yellowlegs though. 1 brambling, and a woodcock in my garden.
  13. Hawkeye

    National Rarity 4th November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 4th November 2019. Updated throughout the day Miavaig, Isle of Harris 2 Snow Buntings were seen there today Hosta, North Uist A juvenile *American Golden Plover* was there around midday (See post below) South Glendale, South Uist 3...
  14. Hawkeye

    National Rarity 3rd November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today, 3rd November 2019. Updated throughout the day Loch Paible, North Uist 6 Pintail were seen there today and a Siberian Chiffchaff was nearbly at Paiblesgarry Carinish, North Uist The 4 Long-tailed Tits were still there today Loch Sandary...
  15. B

    Scottish Rarity 2nd November 2019

    On Barra the Ring-necked Duck was still on Loch Tangasdale. 64 Fieldfares and a Brambling were at Brevig, while 5 Siskins, another Brambling and 2 Blackcaps were at Creachan. 59 Black-throated Divers were off the east side of Vatersay this afternoon: my highest count to date, though I suspect it...
  16. Hawkeye

    1st November 2019

    Western Isles / Outer Hebrides bird sightings for today,1st November 2019. Updated throughout the day Butt of Lewis 10 Snow Buntings were there this morning. South Dell, Isle of Lewis 3 Siberian Chiffchaffs seen near the old post office this morning. A Chiffchaff, 2 Woodcock, 2 Brambling and 3...
  17. B

    Scottish Rarity 31st October 2019

    A surprise at Carinish, North Uist in the late morning when I took the dogs for a walk were four Long-tailed Tits. I managed to get a photo of one before they headed off.
  18. B

    National Rarity 30th October 2019

    I managed to get some slightly better photos than on the 28th of the Two-barred Crossbills present in Langass Woods, North Uist. Perhaps a similar number (seven) present as reported the previous day.
  19. Redshank


    Redshank, Barvas,Lewis October 2019 (C) Graham Forsythe
  20. Brambling


    Brambling, Barvas, Lewis October 2019 (C) Graham Forsythe