2 juvenile Velvet Scoters off Ardmhor late morning. Also 1 Slavonian Grebe here and 23 Greenland White-fronted Geese passed SE through the Sound of Barra. The adult female Velvet Scoter was still roughly half a mile east of Vatersay causeway. The 2 Long-tailed Tits were at Creachan again first thing before moving over the hill to Glen. A further flock of 11 Long-tailed Tits appeared at Morghan late morning. The Willow Warbler was still at Castlebay. Again thousands of Redwings were around the island.

Long-tailed Tit.
2 juvenile Velvet Scoters off Ardmhor late morning. Also 1 Slavonian Grebe here and 23 Greenland White-fronted Geese passed SE through the Sound of Barra. The adult female Velvet Scoter was still roughly half a mile east of Vatersay causeway. The 2 Long-tailed Tits were at Creachan again first thing before moving over the hill to Glen. A further flock of 11 Long-tailed Tits appeared at Morghan late morning. The Willow Warbler was still at Castlebay. Again thousands of Redwings were around the island.

Long-tailed Tit.