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Nightime recordings - 23rd April 2021 - Don't know! Help!!


OH Bird Recorder
Several that I don't know.

1. Hmmm, I don't know I thought it sounded kind of Hooded Crow but I really don't know - the sonogram is nothing like I've seen on Xeno Canto. Tufted Duck (cheers Andrew)


2. I did wonder if this was Whimbrel Oystercatcher looks most likely.


3. This is very much like part of the sonogram of @Roger Auger's mystery bird that he had last night. This call was repeated several times over about 10 minutes. I did wonder if it was Water Rail? Perhaps it's not even a bird?


4. Sounds like Blackbird alarm call.


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This is the odd set of calls Yvonne referred to that I recorded on 21/4/21 at 23:29 and on 22/4/21 at 01:09 & 03:07.
The few people who have offered something lean towards Water Rail. Any advice/help appreciated.
Water Rail 20210421 audspectogram.jpg
