Information received from Roger Hicks:-
I have been organising a rookery survey in Bedfordshire since 2013. I have recently launched a rookery website which can be viewed at
It includes all the data from the recent and historic Bedfordshire surveys plus other personal observations as well as survey data gleaned from the web and other sources.
I was hoping there might be others interested in Rooks and Rookeries in your society who would be interested in the website and could let me know what they think. I would also welcome any feedback on the website as a whole, good or bad and if you have any ideas for improving it. It has only recently 'gone live', so there may still be some teething issues, so please let me know if you run into any problems.
You can view most of the data without logging in. You need to register in order to get a log-in, this produces an activation email (sent to your email address). Clicking on the link in this email activates your log-in. Once logged in, you can add and subsequently amend or delete data.
I am also trying to build a bibliography of local rookery surveys, so any references to rookery surveys in Outer Hebrides, e.g. in the annual report, would be appreciated.
I have been organising a rookery survey in Bedfordshire since 2013. I have recently launched a rookery website which can be viewed at
It includes all the data from the recent and historic Bedfordshire surveys plus other personal observations as well as survey data gleaned from the web and other sources.
I was hoping there might be others interested in Rooks and Rookeries in your society who would be interested in the website and could let me know what they think. I would also welcome any feedback on the website as a whole, good or bad and if you have any ideas for improving it. It has only recently 'gone live', so there may still be some teething issues, so please let me know if you run into any problems.
You can view most of the data without logging in. You need to register in order to get a log-in, this produces an activation email (sent to your email address). Clicking on the link in this email activates your log-in. Once logged in, you can add and subsequently amend or delete data.
I am also trying to build a bibliography of local rookery surveys, so any references to rookery surveys in Outer Hebrides, e.g. in the annual report, would be appreciated.